Terri's Cellar Door

Stuff that happens to me, Terri.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What's Up Kwanzaa-Bot?

Man, I've been giving these out for three hundred and fourty seven years. So, I decided to write a little bit about slash, which is, for those who don't know, fan fiction between two characters in a usually a sci-fi or fantasy show. It used to just be with two male characters like Spock and Kirk, but now it can mean any non-canon relationship in a show, homosexual or heterosexual(or movie, or something). Example: On the show Xena, there was much slash about Xena and Gabrielle, her sidekick. So much so, that Xena became more of a lesbian icon than a regular female icon. The slash permeated the culture to the point where not only did people associate it with the show, but it was actually mentioned in the show, and became a part of it. I don't like fan fiction. That's just a fact. It's not that I don't appreciate the fans making an effort to be a part of the fandom, it's just that I feel that sometimes people go out of the way with it, and it gets so far from canon that it might as well not even be about the show. I appreciate canon. I also appreciate when the writers on a show strive to keep it interesting and fresh, and subsequently perfect the characters that they care about so much. Anyway, so I try to read as little fan fiction as possible, not only slash, but I'm just suprised at how much slash has practically taken over alot of fanfiction. I would like to mention that I'm going to use the phrase fangirl. And when I say that I don't mean a fangirl like me. Cool, geeky, in love with some fictional character, not 13. I mean, the other kinda fangirl, shallow, obssessed, in love with every fictional character, 13. I can't stand those fangirls. They sit at their computer all day and between writing slash fiction and making icons suggesting the love between Luke and Han Solo, they barely find time to go to middle school. They give cool fangirls like me a bad name. I just can't get with the fact that they put together people who aren't together in the series. Like just recently I got into Serenifly (Firefly the series, and Serenity the motion picture), and you'll see the weirdest combinations of characters. Men, women, crazies, people who techinically should never reproduce. I just can't deal with it. Anyway, that's enough ranting for now. Come back soon and I might talk about something else. Don't rightly know what it is. Well, maybe I do: Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok! Deathklok!


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