Yes, I Am In China
To keep up with my posting-once-a-month track record I present to you a few thoughts that may or may not be related or important. But you're the one reading a blog, so get used to it.
1. The StrideRite Kid should be making a comeback soon. I find myself with a little bit of time, and the hankering to make music is as strong as ever. As far as my music is concerned, I often make vague promises with imaginary deadlines, and this is no exception. In this case, though, I am literally sure that it will happen in the next month. Probably. Maybe.
2. My mom's birthday is coming up in like five days. She will be, as always, 27 years old. I'm trying to figure out what I can do for her on the day. It's not like calling her will be enough, since I do that all the time anyway. I was thinking of a song, but that's a little cheesy, and doesn't really seem like a thing my family would do.
3. In my classes I'm going to be teaching my students about race in America, so if you're my friend, and you want to send me a picture of yourself, or your colorful friends/family groups to use in my powerpoint presentation about race, feel free to do so. I want my homogeneous group of Chinese kids to see the varied tapestry of America, which is basically one of the best things about the place. My email is
4. I want to buy a guitar here in Changsha, but I dunno where I can get a good one. I need something that has a normal size body, good action, something that won't be a struggle to change the strings, something that will hold a tune, and something that will make me a better person. I dunno if I can get that here in this city, so maybe we'll find out.
nobody is talking about love, but the preacher
Ooh, Terri Day! Um... I have no idea why I said your name like that(btw, it was in a sexy black man's voice)? So YAY to music and YAY to race! I just watched a special called, BLACK GIRLS ROCK, so I'm really into being a black chick at the moment. Where was I going with this?
p.s.-Make your mom some macaroni art to go along with that song. Lol, I'm teasing.
4. I want to buy a guitar here in Changsha, but I dunno where I can get a good one. I need something that has a normal size body, good action, something that won't be a struggle to change the strings, something that will hold a tune, and something that will make me a better person. I dunno if I can get that here in this city, so maybe we'll find out.
nobody is talking about love, but the preacher
Sorry Terri, but only AmeriKan geetarz make you a better person... BTW, props to you and the "Undisputed Truth" for the quote!
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