Terri's Cellar Door

Stuff that happens to me, Terri.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bush Apologizes?!?!?!? In Other News; Hell Freezes Over, and Israel and Palestine Go Out For Ice Cream Sundaes

When I read this, I thought it had to be a joke. Or you know, a Bushism, where you know that he's sorry, and he knows that you know, and everybody knows that he's in the wrong, but he tap dances around the actual words 'sorry', or 'I apologize'. But he really said it. I can't belive it, but he did. Check out this article about it: I mean, granted he's not apologizing for killing thousands of people, with no justification, and ultimately no goal or timeline, and he's not apologizing for supporting an education initiative that undermines the creativity, imagination, and free thinking of our children. And he's not apologizing for just getting on my nerves 95% of the time, but you know, it's a start.

Hell Freezes Over: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050913/ap_on_go_ot/katrina_washington


Blogger England said...

Oh, my dear God in Heaven...it is a start. Wow, I must give him props. It takes a lot of balls to admit when your wrong. I'm notorious for it.


1:21 PM  

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