I've put this everywhere else....
So I might as well put it here. I know that a few of you are going to read this and say, yeah right, and all that, but I've heard from various sources that this one works, and if I'm wrong then we're all just out of a little time, and no money.
I know that some of you have credit cards, and you can help me get a really cool new computer.This is a very real, quite legit way of getting some free stuff and I need your help. I need to get 18 people to sign up, but you don't need to stay signed up forever. So, there you go. Steps:
1. Cut and Paste the link at the bottom of the post, or just click on it.
2. Complete one of the offers, such as the free AOL trial withMusicnet and as soon as it becomes verified, just cancel thesubscription.
....You can help me to start on your way...
3. Refer some friends to do the same thing, or post an ad on ebay toget others to do the same thing.
4. Claim your FREE LAPTOP!!! :)Take advantage of this offer!Copy and Paste the link below to your address bar: http://www.notebooks4free.com/default.aspx?r=484090
Basically, we're just doing there advertising for them, and it saves them a lot of money, so they're able to scratch our backs, so to speak.
Anyway, if you do decide to do it, thanks!
Dear Terri,
I hope you get the coolest computer in the world.
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