On the Road Again 2: Electric Boogaloo
I don't know if I have had a topic thats on the Road Again. I'm sure I have, because I have very few pop culture references to draw on. Very soon (very, very early Thursday morning) I will be heading off to sunny Orlando, FL to participate in the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge, which is a quiz bowl type competition for undergraduate students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. I know that I've mentioned this before as well, it's just that I'm really excited about going, and think that my school, Winston-Salem State University can make a good showing with the team that we have this year. We're going to be at the Walt Disney World Resort, not to far from the park. We'll be able to go to the park, and this will be my first ever time at Disney World. I hope that there is stuff to do that I can enjoy. I hear that the Islands of Adventure or Animal Something-Something is pretty fun, maybe I'll do that. Anyway, I just thought that I'd let you know, since we're getting ready to leave so soon, I just figured that a couple of you would be wondering were I'd gotten off to. I'm a mover and a shaker, all right.